After the debate, Romney told Jim Lehrer how to drive home
Here’s a tip in life. When you go to some political gathering like the debate party at the Rosebud theater, sit up front. That’s where the cool kids sit. From where I was sitting in the...
View ArticleRyan-Biden debate could be trouble
Publication:Waukesha Freeman (Conley); Date:Oct 11, 2012; Section:Opinion; Page Number:8A Ryan-Biden debate could be trouble Ryan needs to focus on Obama failures After President Barack Obama’s...
View ArticleKaus on Crowley
Writing for the Daily Caller, Mickey Kaus posted the entire Rose Garden statement by President Barack Obama on the events in Cairo, Benghazi, and the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001....
View ArticleWalker will be the anti-Trump in tonight’s debate
Waukesha Freeman August 6, 2015 Page A6 Opinion Walker will be the anti-Trump in tonight’s debate And so the 2016 presidential campaign begins. Tonight, 10 Republican contenders for president will...
View ArticleDo Americans want a jerk for president?
Over at RightWisconsin, I actually second-guessed my column that appeared in today’s Waukesha Freeman. Maybe Americans want a jerk to be president. There’s no denying Trump is a complete jerk. Oh,...
View ArticleRepublicans had serious debate
Waukesha Freeman Page A6 Opinion 11/12/15 Republicans had serious debate Process separating grown-ups from amateurs The Republican Party came home to Wisconsin Tuesday night. The Republican candidates...
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